Monday, November 7, 2011

Top 10 Facts about Early Brain Development

Jane and I attended a workshop hosted by Prevent Child Abuse Indiana. It was very interesting. I would like to share a handout we were given. Top 10 Facts about Early Brain Development After reading through this you will see how important it is that our little ones receive the best of care right from birth. It will also shed some light on the developmental delays that we see.

1.       The brain is the least developed organ at birth.
2.       Intelligence is not fixed at birth. Early experiences impact brain structures and therefore influence learning and future brain development.
3.       The brain becomes 75% wired by age 1.
4.       A baby’s brain doubles in weight from birth to age 3.
5.       Throughout life, the brain remains “plastic”, capable of learning.
6.       There are sensitive periods for brain development:
·         Vision: First 6 months of life. (Peaks at 8 months, matures at 2 years old)
·         Hearing: prenatal – 4 years. (4/5 weeks post-conception is very critical)
·         Social Attachment: 0-2 years
·         Language: 0-3 years
·         Motor Skills: 0-4 years
·         Math & Logic: 1-4 years
·         Musical Instruments/Piano: 3-12 years
·         Foreign Language: 0-10 years
7.       Stressful experiences, early neglect or abuse can cause emotional, psychological and behavioral problems.
8.       A primary caregiver has an obligation to form a child’s brain (literally, wire the brain), by providing stimulating and appropriate experiences and one-to-one interactions that incorporate the ABC’s of Learning:
·         Attention: By an adult first attending to a baby, the baby can develop the skill of focusing attention, thereby increasing learning capacity.
·          Bonding: Strong and caring relationships develop trust, security and love; insuring development of a healthy brain that can take advantage of more learning opportunities.
·         Communication: By frequently talking, reading and listening to your child, connections in the brain are developed that form the foundation of future learning.
9.       It is necessary for a baby to have at least 1-3 consistent parent/caregivers to develop strong bonding, which is the most critical factor for ensuring a healthy, normal brain.
10.   Quality Parenting/Caregiving is the most important experience for encouraging optimal brain development for each child.

Have a great week everyone :-)

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